Mike Tyson once said everyone has a plan until they are punched in the face. The global fallout of COVID-19 has been of biblical proportions for us all and isn't over yet. My last post a lifetime ago; a different time, country and plans for the future.
The Lunnon-Wood story of life since April and my last post is as follows;
1 x New Continent, a move and all the trimmings
1 x Retirement
2 x New Jobs
1 x New House
2 x New Cars
6 x Months of Home Schooling
1 x New School
1 x New Golf Club
It's time to get back on the horse and the 1st Tee - enter Harleyford Golf Club. 0.97 miles from the front door I now have a membership, an App (yep, thats rights!) a locker and a new sense of purpose to work on the swing. Lesson #1 is complete and the fruits of an hour with Jon already starting the show - turns out my swing was missing a fundamental element; flexibility. #40something
I've found golf to be the piece of my own life puzzle that has been missing down the side of the couch for some time. Just getting back on the course has been soup for the soul and a wonderful reminder that life, with precautions, can go on.
The BLoG is back. Perhaps something for the 19th hole armed with a beer. Take care everyone, it's great to be writing again.
Gold and Birdies can be found if you go looking......