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#38 - Walking Tall

Walking Tall was actually started a few days ago however life got in the way; some positives are actually negatives. It‘s been our turn to manage COVID at home. Pretty much everything has gone on hold but fingers crossed we’re through the worst and ready to start planning for the holidays.

If you haven’t already - please get the vaccine.

Winters in the UK are on average terrible. A windy, soggy and generally unpleasant 3 to 5 months where Mother Nature shows us just who‘s in charge. A period of fanatical hat and gloves fashion skirmishes around the country as we collectively mull over the seasonal gripe regarding daylight, or lack there of. However every so often the British are gifted with one of those days that make the green and pleasant land a sight to be hold. Today was one of those days.

Two holes taking 25 minutes was the plan. Fresh air, the opportunity to frame the day ahead and an empty course all aligned on the first tee. Some 325-ish yards later - the hybrid, a wedge and a putt had me striding towards the second with a birdie. The lesson was course management - the D-Stick (the Driver) had stayed tucked up in the bag to minimize the chance of an approach from either the deep rough (the stuff of legend at Harleyford) or from behind the tree that immediately puts you on a bogey trajectory.

Maybe it was the sunshine, maybe the hours spent on the range, maybe the new approach to game (BLoG - #37). Likely a combination of all three but the game is coming, as is Winter. The plan is to keep playing regardless of the temperature to ensure 2022 is everything it can be.

P.S. After piping the drive down the second my wedge came up short having caught the soft ground fat leading to an excruciating lip out and a bogey. No excuses; a poor shot. The next lesson - we’re all human.

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